Beskrivelse: If the tree is mentioned as savenije please replace with your won tree. Als de naam van de tree=savenije vervang die door uw eigen stamboom naam
Match 51 til 100 fra 201 » Kommasepareret CSV fil
# | reportID | Rapportnavn | reportdesc | sqlselect | active |
51 | 270 | Frequency of names | Frequentie van namen | SELECT P1.lastname, CASE WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Savenije','Savonije','Savenay','Savigne','Savené','Saveneij','Saveney', 'Saveneals','Saveneal','Safney','Sauvenaij','Safneij','Savage') THEN 'Savenije/Savonije/Savenay/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Boekholt', 'Boekhout', 'Boekhoudt' ) THEN 'Boekholt/Boekhout/Boekhoudt' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Muller', 'Mulder', 'Mulders','Mullers' ) THEN 'Mulder/Muller/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Meijer', 'Meier' ) THEN 'Meijer/Meier/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Jong', 'Jonge' ) THEN 'de Jong/de Jonge/Jong' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Jans', 'Janse','Jansen','Janssen','Jansens','Janssens' ) THEN 'Jans/Janse/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Kruize', 'Kroese','Kroeze','Kruise' ) THEN 'Kruize/Kroeze/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Huizinga', 'Huizenga','Huisinga','Huisenga','Huijzinga','Huijsinga','Huijzenga','Huijsenga' ) THEN 'Huizinga/Huisinga/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Kruizinga', 'Kruizenga','Kruisinga','Kruisenga','Kruijzinga','Kruijsinga','Kruijzenga','Kruijsenga' ) THEN 'Kruizinga/Kruisinga/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Hendriks', 'Hindriks','Hendrixs','Hindrixs','Hendrix','Hindrix' ) THEN 'Hendriks/Hindriks/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Clercks', 'Clerx','Clerks' ) THEN 'Clercks/Clerks/etc' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Smit', 'Smith', 'Smid' ) THEN 'Smit/Smith/Smid' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Drent', 'Drenth', 'Drente', 'Drenthe' ) THEN 'Drent/Drenth/Drenthe' WHEN P1.lastname IN ( 'Visser', 'Visscher', 'Fisscher', 'Fisser' ) THEN 'Visser/Visscher' ELSE P1.lastname END AS Surname, COUNT( * ) AS Frequency FROM tng_people P1 WHERE P1.lastname LIKE '%' AND NOT P1.lastname = "NN" GROUP BY Surname ORDER BY Frequency DESC |
1 |
52 | 194 | Frequency of people's marriage place | Frekwentie van plaatsen waar mensen getrouwd zijn | SELECT LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(marrplace),",",1))) as provincie_or_country, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_families WHERE marrplace <> "" group BY provincie_or_country order by Number desc | 1 |
53 | 35 | Gravsten: Ændringer i gravsten | Ændringer inden for de sidste 90 dage (UDEN linkede personer og UDEN tilknyttede kirkegårde) |
SELECT mediaID, description, notes, changedate FROM tng_media AS hs WHERE DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 90 DAY ) <= hs.changedate AND hs.mediatypeID = "headstones" ORDER BY hs.changedate DESC |
1 |
54 | 36 | Gravsten: Ændringer i gravsten | Ændringer inden for de sidste 90 dage (UDEN linkede personer, men MED tilknyttede kirkegårde) |
SELECT mediaID, description, hs.notes, hs.changedate, cemname, city, county, state, country FROM tng_media AS hs LEFT JOIN tng_cemeteries AS cem ON cem.cemeteryID = hs.cemeteryID WHERE hs.mediatypeID = "headstones" AND DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 90 DAY ) <= hs.changedate ORDER BY hs.changedate, description DESC |
1 |
55 | 216 | Kilder | sources with citation frequency and number of cited persons, ordered by number o | SELECT s.sourceID AS Source_nr, s.title AS Long_title, s.shorttitle AS Short_title, AS author_, s.publisher AS publisher_, s.comments AS Comments_, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_citations, COUNT(DISTINCT p.personID) AS Number_of_people FROM tng_sources AS s LEFT JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID AND s.gedcom=c.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY Number_of_people DESC, CAST(SUBSTRING(s.sourceID, 2) AS UNSIGNED); |
1 |
56 | 218 | Kilder | sources without any citations | SELECT s.sourceID AS knowledge_bank, title AS Title_, s.gedcom FROM tng_sources AS s LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID and s.gedcom=c.gedcom) WHERE citationID IS NULL; |
1 |
57 | 48 | Kilder: Citattekster | Citattekster - med hyppighed af begivenhed sorteret efter beskrivelse | SELECT description, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_citations GROUP BY description ORDER BY description; | 1 |
58 | 46 | KIlder: KIlder | Kilder med citeringsfrekvens, sorteret efter kilder | SELECT s.sourceID AS SourceNr, s.title AS Title, s.shorttitle AS ShortTitle, AS Author, s.publisher AS Publisher, s.comments AS Comments, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_sources AS s LEFT JOIN tng_citations AS c ON s.sourceID=c.sourceID GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY s.sourceID; | 1 |
59 | 47 | Kilder: Kilder | Kilder med citeringsfrekvens, sorteret efter frekvens | SELECT s.sourceID AS SourceNr, s.title AS Title, s.shorttitle AS ShortTitle, AS Author, s.publisher AS Publisher, s.comments AS Remarks, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_sources AS s LEFT JOIN tng_citations AS c ON s.sourceID=c.sourceID GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY Number | 1 |
60 | 214 | KIlder: KIlder | Sources with frequency and persons, ordered by sources | SELECT s.sourceID AS QuellenNr, s.title AS long_title, s.shorttitle AS short_title, AS author_, s.publisher AS publisher_, s.comments AS comments_, COUNT(*) AS number_of_times_quoted, COUNT(DISTINCT p.personID) AS Number_of_people FROM tng_sources AS s INNER JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID AND s.gedcom=c.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(s.sourceID, 2) AS UNSIGNED); |
1 |
61 | 219 | Kilder: Notater | Notater med tilhørende personer, sorteret efter personens navn | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, c.eventID, c.sourceID, c.description, c.citetext,, p.gedcom FROM tng_citations AS c LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE p.personID<>'' ORDER BY p.lastname, p.firstname, p.personID, c.description; |
1 |
62 | 220 | Kilder: Notater | Notater med tilhørende personer, sorteret efter notattekst | SELECT c.description, c.sourceID, c.eventID, c.citetext,, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_citations AS c LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE p.personID<>"" ORDER BY c.description, c.citetext,, c.sourceID; |
1 |
63 | 271 | Length of marriage, ordered by alphabet | Lengte van een huwelijk, gesorteerd op alfabet | select CONCAT('<a href = \"familygroup.php?familyID=', F1.familyID, '&tree=', F1.gedcom, '\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"fam\">', F1.familyID, '</a>') as FamilyID , ,CONCAT(P1.lastname, ', ', P1.firstname) as HusbandName ,CONCAT(P2.lastname, ', ', P2.firstname) as WifeName ,case when YEAR(F1.divdatetr) != 0 then YEAR(F1.divdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) <= YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) then YEAR(P1.deathdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) > YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) then YEAR(P2.deathdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) else 0 end as YearsMarried ,F1.marrdate ,F1.divdate ,P1.deathdate as HusbandDeathDate ,P2.deathdate as WifeDeathDate ,case when YEAR(F1.divdatetr) != 0 or (YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0) then ' ' when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) = 0 then 'Husband death date not known' when YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) = 0 then 'Wife death date not known' end as Comment from tng_families F1 inner join tng_people P1 on F1.gedcom = P1.gedcom and F1.husband = P1.personID inner join tng_people P2 on F1.gedcom = P2.gedcom and F1.wife = P2.personID where F1.marrdate != '' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) != 'Y' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) != 'Y' and (F1.divdate != '' or P1.deathdate != '' or P2.deathdate != '') and not (YEAR(F1.divdatetr) = 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) = 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) = 0) having Comment = '' order by P1.lastname, YearsMarried desc, F1.marrdatetr desc ; |
1 |
64 | 272 | Length of marriage, ordered by length of marriage | Aantal jaren getrouwd, gesorteerd op aantal jaren getrouwd | select CONCAT('<a href = \"familygroup.php?familyID=', F1.familyID, '&tree=', F1.gedcom, '\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"fam\">', F1.familyID, '</a>') as FamilyID , ,CONCAT(P1.lastname, ', ', P1.firstname) as HusbandName ,CONCAT(P2.lastname, ', ', P2.firstname) as WifeName ,case when YEAR(F1.divdatetr) != 0 then YEAR(F1.divdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) <= YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) then YEAR(P1.deathdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) > YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) then YEAR(P2.deathdatetr)-YEAR(F1.marrdatetr) else 0 end as YearsMarried ,F1.marrdate ,F1.divdate ,P1.deathdate as HusbandDeathDate ,P2.deathdate as WifeDeathDate ,case when YEAR(F1.divdatetr) != 0 or (YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) != 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) != 0) then ' ' when YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) = 0 then 'Husband death date not known' when YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) = 0 then 'Wife death date not known' end as Comment from tng_families F1 inner join tng_people P1 on F1.gedcom = P1.gedcom and F1.husband = P1.personID inner join tng_people P2 on F1.gedcom = P2.gedcom and F1.wife = P2.personID where F1.marrdate != '' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(P1.deathdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(P2.deathdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.marrdate) != 'Y' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'ABT%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'AFT%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'BEF%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'BET%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'CAL%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) not like 'EST%' and UPPER(F1.divdate) != 'Y' and (F1.divdate != '' or P1.deathdate != '' or P2.deathdate != '') and not (YEAR(F1.divdatetr) = 0 and YEAR(P1.deathdatetr) = 0 and YEAR(P2.deathdatetr) = 0) having Comment = '' order by YearsMarried desc, P1.lastname, F1.marrdatetr desc ; |
1 |
65 | 226 | List eventypes | List even types with eventypeID | SELECT eventtypeID, tag, description, display, keep, ordernum, type FROM `tng_eventtypes` ORDER BY `eventtypeID` ASC |
1 |
66 | 176 | Media not associated with a tree | Media die niet aan een boom vastzit | SELECT mediaID AS MediaNr, description, mediatypeID AS Media_type FROM tng_media WHERE gedcom="" OR ISNULL(gedcom) ORDER BY description; | 1 |
67 | 174 | Media overview by media type | Media overzicht per media type. | SELECT mediatypeID AS MediaType, mediaID AS MediaNr, description, gedcom FROM tng_media ORDER BY mediatypeID, description; | 1 |
68 | 182 | Media which are *not* set as | Media die NIET als standaard foto zijn aangevinked | SELECT description, mediatypeID AS Media_type, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE defphoto<>1 ORDER BY description; |
1 |
69 | 175 | Media which are always visible | Media having the "always on" tag activated Media die als "Altijd zichtbaar" zijn gemarkeerd |
SELECT description, mediatypeID AS Mediia_type, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE alwayson<>0 ORDER BY description; |
1 |
70 | 181 | Media which are set as | Media die als standaard foto zijn aangevinked | SELECT description, mediatypeID AS Media_type, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE defphoto=1 ORDER BY description; |
1 |
71 | 180 | Media with associated people, *with* having media linked to an event | Media with associated people, *with* having media linked to an event Media met eraan gelinkte mensen MET media gelinked aan een gebeurtenis |
SELECT description, mediatypeID AS Media_type, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE eventID<>"" ORDER BY description; |
1 |
72 | 179 | Media with associated people, *without* having media linked to an event | Media with associated people, *without* having media linked to an event Media met de eraan gelinked mensen zonder dat de media aan een gebeurtenis gelinked zijn. |
SELECT description, mediatypeID AS Media_type, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE eventID="" ORDER BY description; |
1 |
73 | 178 | Media with coordinates | Media met coordinaten. | SELECT mediaID AS MediaNr, description, mediatypeID AS Media_Type, longitude, latitude, gedcom FROM tng_media WHERE longitude<>"" AND latitude<>"" AND NOT ISNULL(longitude) AND NOT ISNULL(latitude) ORDER BY description; | 1 |
74 | 177 | Media without coordinates | Media zonder coordinaten | SELECT mediaID, description, mediatypeID, gedcom FROM tng_media WHERE longitude="" OR latitude="" ORDER BY description; | 1 |
75 | 32 | Medier: Documenter ændret | Dokumenter/historier ændret inden for de sidste 90 dage (notering UDEN linkede personer) | SELECT doc.mediaID, mediatypeID, description, notes, changedate FROM tng_media AS doc LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS documentlink ON doc.mediaID = documentlink.mediaID WHERE ( DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL -90 DAY ) ) AND doc.mediatypeID = "documents" ORDER BY doc.changedate DESC |
1 |
76 | 161 | Medier: Dokumenter | Dokumenter knyttet til personer, der ikke er til en begivenhed. | SELECT description, p.personID, p.gedcom, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE mediatypeID="documents" AND eventID="" ORDER BY description; |
1 |
77 | 159 | Medier: Foto | Folk uden et standardbillede. | SELECT lastname, firstname, personid, gedcom FROM ( SELECT p.lastname, p.firstname, p.personid, p.gedcom, MAX(ml.defphoto) AS mdp, COUNT(ml.medialinkid) AS n FROM tng_people AS p, tng_medialinks AS ml, tng_media AS m WHERE ml.personid = p.personid AND ml.gedcom = p.gedcom and ml.mediaid = m.mediaid AND m.gedcom = p.gedcom AND m.mediatypeid = 'photos' GROUP BY p.personid ) AS tmp WHERE n > 0 AND mdp != 1 |
1 |
78 | 183 | Medier: Foto | Folk MED tilhørende medier, men UDEN standardfoto. | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom, description, mediatypeID AS Media_type FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=m.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE defphoto<>1 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; |
1 |
79 | 41 | Medier: Notater | Tomme notater | SELECT persfamID, note FROM tng_xnotes AS xn LEFT JOIN tng_notelinks AS nl ON nl.xnoteID=xn.ID WHERE note REGEXP "[print]|[punct]|[\.]| [\?]"=0 ORDER BY persfamID; |
1 |
80 | 160 | Medier: Notater | Vis private notater. | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, deathdate, living, note, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p INNER JOIN tng_notelinks AS nl ON (p.personID=nl.persfamID AND p.gedcom=nl.gedcom) INNER JOIN tng_xnotes AS xn ON (nl.xnoteID=xn.ID AND nl.gedcom=xn.gedcom) WHERE nl.secret<>0 ORDER BY lastname, firstname, birthdatetr; |
1 |
81 | 173 | Medier: Statistik | SELECT mediatypeID AS Media_Type, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_media GROUP BY mediatypeID UNION SELECT "Total" AS Media_Type, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_media; |
1 | |
82 | 37 | Medier: Ændrede fotos | Billeder ændret inden for de sidste 90 dage (UDEN linkede personer) |
SELECT description, m.notes, m.changedate FROM tng_media AS m WHERE m.mediatypeID = "photos" AND DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 90 DAY ) <= m.changedate ORDER BY m.changedate DESC |
1 |
83 | 38 | Medier: Ændrede fotos | Billeder ændret inden for de sidste 90 dage (MED linkede personer) |
SELECT description, m.notes, m.changedate, p.personID, p.gedcom, p.lastname, p.firstname,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS m LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS ml ON (ml.mediaID=m.mediaID AND ml.gedcom=ml.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ml.personID=p.personID AND ml.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE mediatypeID<>"headstones" AND DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 90 DAY)<=m.changedate ORDER BY m.changedate DESC; |
1 |
84 | 33 | Medier: Ændringer i historier med mennesker | Dokumenter/historier ændret inden for de sidste 90 dage (notering MED linkede personer) | SELECT dc.mediaID, description, notes, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, dc.changedate,, p.gedcom FROM tng_media AS dc LEFT JOIN tng_medialinks AS dcl ON dc.mediaID = dcl.mediaID LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON dcl.personID = p.personID WHERE DATE_SUB( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL 90 DAY ) <= dc.changedate AND dc.mediatypeID = "histories" ORDER BY dc.changedate DESC |
1 |
85 | 269 | Number of children a man fathered | Het aantal kinderen die een man voorbracht | SELECT f.gedcom, count(c.personid) as Children, concat('<a href="descendtext.php?personID=',h.personid,'&tree=savenije&display=block&generations=2">',concat(h.firstname,' ',h.lastname),'</a>') as Husband FROM tng_families as f left join tng_people as h on f.gedcom=h.gedcom and f.husband = h.personid left join tng_people as w on f.gedcom=w.gedcom and f.wife = w.personid join tng_children as c on f.gedcom=c.gedcom and f.familyid = c.familyid WHERE f.gedcom = "savenije" AND h.firstname NOT LIKE '(null%' group by c.gedcom,h.personid order by Children desc |
1 |
86 | 228 | Number of people originating from first level birthplace | Aantal mensen geboren in de laatste deel van de naam in een plaatsnaam, dus dorp | SELECT LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(birthplace),",",3))) as city_or_village, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace <> "" group BY city_or_village order by Number desc; | 1 |
87 | 227 | Number of people originating from second level birthplace | Aantal mensen geboren in de laatste deel van de naam in een plaatsnaam, dus gemeente | SELECT LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(birthplace),",",2))) as city_or_village, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace <> "" group BY city_or_village order by Number desc; | 1 |
88 | 189 | Number of people originating from third level birthplace | Aantal mensen geboren in de laatste deel van de naam in een plaatsnaam, dus provincie of land. | SELECT LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(birthplace),",",1))) as provincie_or_country, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace <> "" group BY provincie_or_country order by Number desc; | 1 |
89 | 207 | Number of people with the same last and first name ordered alphabetically | Aantal mensen die dezelfde voor en last_name hebben, alphabetisch gerangschikt | SELECT lastname, firstname, COUNT(CONCAT(lastname, firstname)) AS Number FROM tng_people GROUP BY lastname, firstname HAVING COUNT(CONCAT(lastname, firstname))>1 ORDER BY lastname, firstname; | 1 |
90 | 264 | People sorted on ID | Mensen gesorteerd op het ID | SELECT ID, personID, firstname, lastname, birthdate, birthplace, changedby FROM tng_people ORDER BY CAST( SUBSTRING( personID, 2 ) AS UNSIGNED ) |
1 |
91 | 263 | People with a burial place but no headstone | Mensen met een begraafplaats maar geen grafsteen | SELECT concat('<a href="getperson.php?personID=',p.personid,'&tree=', p.gedcom,'">', p.firstname,' ',p.lastname) AS Name, p.burialplace FROM tng_people p WHERE p.burialplace <> '' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT ml.personID FROM tng_medialinks ml WHERE p.personID = ml.personID AND p.gedcom = ml.gedcom AND ml.eventID = 'BURI' ) ORDER BY p.burialplace |
1 |
92 | 206 | People with non-alphabetic characters in their name | Mensen met niet alphabetische karakters in hun naam. | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE ((lastname REGEXP "[^[:alpha:][:space:]-]")>0) OR ((firstname REGEXP "[^[:alpha:][:space:]-]")>0) ORDER BY lastname, firstname; |
1 |
93 | 76 | Personer | Sorteret efter fødested | SELECT birthplace, personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, altbirthdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace<>"" ORDER BY birthplace, lastname, firstname; | 1 |
94 | 77 | Personer | Sorteret efter daabssted | SELECT birthplace AS Place_name, personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, altbirthdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE birthplace<>"" UNION SELECT altbirthplace AS Place_name, personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, altbirthdate, living, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE altbirthplace<>"" ORDER BY Place_name, lastname, firstname; |
1 |
95 | 119 | Personer | Fejlagtig fødsel, dåb, død og begravelse ca. datoer, f.eks. | SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, birthdate, altbirthdate, deathdate, burialdate, living, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE ( (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(birthdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND birthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(birthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(altbirthdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND altbirthdate != "" and length(altbirthdate) < 8 AND birthdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(deathdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND deathdate != "" and length(deathdate) < 8 AND deathdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%CAL%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%EST%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%BEF%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%ABT%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") OR (UCASE(burialdate) LIKE "%AFT%" AND burialdate != "" and length(burialdate) < 8 AND burialdatetr != "0000-00-00") ) AND year(birthdatetr) > "999" ORDER BY lastname, firstname, personID; |
1 |
96 | 142 | Personer | Levende personen | SELECT, firstname, lastname, birthdate, deathdate, tng_people.personID, tng_people.gedcom, nameorder FROM (tng_people ) WHERE ( = 1) ORDER BY firstname | 1 |
97 | 56 | Personer: age frequency distribution | Personer: age frequency distribution (only deceased) | SELECT YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Age, COUNT(YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr)) AS Total FROM tng_people WHERE (birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00") AND (deathdatetr<>"0000-00-00") GROUP BY Age | 1 |
98 | 57 | Personer: age frequency per decade | Personer: age frequency per decade (only deceased), one = equals 100 people | SELECT 10*FLOOR((YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr))/10) AS Age_From, 10*FLOOR((YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr))/10)+9 AS Age_To, COUNT(*) AS Total, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE (birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00") AND (deathdatetr<>"0000-00-00") GROUP BY Age_From; | 1 |
99 | 55 | Personer: Alder | Personer sorteret efter stigende alder (kun afdøde) | SELECT lastname, firstname, personID, birthdate, birthdatetr, deathdate, deathdatetr, YEAR(deathdatetr)-YEAR(birthdatetr) AS Age, gedcom FROM tng_people WHERE (birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00") AND (deathdatetr<>"0000-00-00") ORDER BY Age, lastname, firstname | 1 |
100 | 167 | Personer: Alder | Personer sorteret efter deres faderens alder. | SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate,, father.personID AS FatherNr, father.birthdate AS FatherBirthdate, YEAR( p.birthdatetr ) - YEAR( father.birthdatetr ) AS Father_age, mother.personID AS MotherNr, mother.birthdate AS MotherBirthdate, YEAR( p.birthdatetr ) - YEAR( mother.birthdatetr ) AS Mother_age, p.changedby, p.gedcom FROM tng_children AS ch LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON ( ch.personID = p.personID AND ch.gedcom = p.gedcom ) LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON ( ch.familyID = f.familyID AND ch.gedcom = f.gedcom ) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON ( father.personID = f.husband AND father.gedcom = f.gedcom ) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON ( mother.personID = f.wife AND mother.gedcom = f.gedcom ) WHERE p.birthdatetr <> "0000-00-00" AND father.birthdatetr <> "0000-00-00" AND mother.birthdatetr <> "0000-00-00" AND p.birthdate NOT LIKE "Aft%" ORDER BY Father_age, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdatetr, p.changedby |
1 |